Is Greenstaff a staffing agency?
Greenstaff Medical Canada is a specialist healthcare staffing agency who provides high quality talent across Canada. As a renowned recruiter in the industry, we offer a range of per-diem and travel contracts. By working with us, you will also have your own dedicated consultant and compliance team to take care of you along the way.
What do I wear to an assignment?
This will depend on the facility and unit you are assigned. All clothing should be clean, well fitted, and free of wrinkles or distress. All clothing must allow for quick, efficient movement as necessary in the performance of job duties, including emergencies.
Can I use my cell phone at work?
Personal phone calls on the unit during work time are prohibited, except in emergency situations. All behavior in patient areas and at the nurses’ station shall be oriented toward patient care.
Am I required to work holidays?
Greenstaff Employees agree to work all scheduled shifts as directed by Client (including weekends and holidays).
Can I wear my wedding ring at work?
Maybe, jewelry is to be kept at a minimum and be in keeping with the general safety and infection control practices for the employee and the patient. Long dangling earrings, large or excessive necklaces and/or bracelets and sharp rings are not acceptable. Also, fingernails must be kept short, clean, and natural; no artificial applications are to be worn.
What if I get sick during an assignment?
Greenstaff Employees agree to notify Client of any unscheduled absence at least two (2) hours prior to beginning a shift and to notify Greenstaff Medical Staffing within twenty-four (24) hours to report the unscheduled absence.
What information will I receive about the benefits?
Greenstaff’s Benefits Team will send you the Benefits Guide that summarizes all of the plans and rates. You will also receive an enrollment form.